As it pertains to “my story”, it is much deeper than the surface level statement that I want to help people or make people the best versions of themselves. This is a very superficial statement that only carries its weight if the actions of the individual follow suit. When explaining my story, I have to go way back so, forgive me If this gets lengthy.
Next-Level Training’s mission was forged much earlier than the date the state allowed me to open my doors. Much earlier than when I knew I wanted to be a strength and conditioning coach. My story started as a young child, looking for guidance and perspective on this thing we call life. Growing up, my parents were very hard-working people and did everything they could to give me the amazing life I had. Having divorced, middle class parents, I was hit with the realization that I would be paying for college on my own or attempt to earn scholarships that would pay my way. Through high school I was always the “best player on the field” however, lacked the guidance of a healthy role model that would take me under their wings. Fast forward to college, I had a very successful career as an ALL-Conference Linebacker for the Dickinson State University Blue Hawks. However, this was at the expense of my body. Three MAJOR shoulder surgeries and one career ending knee surgery later, I was feeling 60 at the age of 23. This along with my child hood hardships is what made Next-Level Training what it is today.
Next-Level Training’s mission is to be that role model I needed as a child for today’s youth. I want to provide athletes with proper strength and conditioning to assure they do not have to go through the pain I did pursing the game I loved. Lastly, I want to instill exceptional work ethic, passion, and the skill set that can earn athletes college scholarships to take financial pressure off families like mine!